More meaningful support for teachers in Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises (EiEPC) is urgently needed as a right in itself, and to ensure quality, inclusive education for children and youth.
ECWâs Acceleration Facility provides a flexible financing mechanism to fund strategic initiatives which tackle systemic barriersto quality education. ECW is looking to establish a new Acceleration Facility grant to accelerate support for teachers in formal and non-formal settings in EIEPC.
The successful grantee(s) will deliver three connected and phased workstreams which aim to strengthen teacher support systems at different levels. The workstreams have been developed using evidence from ECW-supported country investments, and careful analysis of systemic sectoral challenges. They include the following:
- Synthesizing the evidence-base/promising practices and making recommendations to inform ECWâs work and the other workstreamsÂ
- Advancing systems-strengthening efforts to support teacher capacities at the national and/or sub-national level in a subset of MYRP countries
- Developing and launching a global report (and/or other advocacy products) on teachers in EIEPC in 2027
ECW particularly welcomes applications from consortium/multiple partners, provided that one organization is clearly nominated as the lead. Successful partners will bring significant expertise on teacher support in EIEPC and combine relevant experience in research, programming and system strengthening in order to deliver the three workstreams (see proposal requirements for full details). The lead partner must also have the capacity to sub-grant to local and national organizations.
Please note this work must prioritize the real lived experiences of teachers (including the specific experiences of female teachers), recognize them as professionals, and elevate their voices â across all workstreams.
Proposal Submission Deadline
Friday January 30th
Download Related Submission Documents
Informational webinar and Q&A session
To find out more, please join us for an informational webinar and Q&A session. Webinar registration is now open:
- Wednesday 8 January, 9am ET/3pm CET â Register for Webinar
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