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SayPro Tracking Spreadsheet Template

SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

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Template Name: SayPro Tracking Spreadsheet Template for SCMR-12 and Quarterly Funding Opportunities Management


The primary purpose of this template is to provide a system for tracking the status of applications for various opportunities, monitoring deadlines, and recording funding amounts. It serves as a detailed overview of funding opportunities for SayPro across different regions, sectors, and projects. This template ensures that all applications are submitted on time, properly documented, and monitored until the final decision is made.

Key Features:

  1. Application Status Tracking:
    • Columns dedicated to tracking the status of each application, including submitted, pending, approved, rejected, or on hold.
    • Color-coded indicators to highlight the urgency and status of applications.
  2. Deadline Management:
    • Automated reminder columns that calculate the number of days until the deadline.
    • Conditional formatting to alert team members when deadlines are approaching.
  3. Funding Amounts:
    • Detailed tracking of the total funding amounts requested and awarded for each opportunity.
    • Section for recording incremental funding stages or payments.
  4. Opportunity Categories:
    • Categorization of funding opportunities, including tenders, bids, grants, scholarships, internships, and bursaries.
    • Filtering capabilities to easily navigate opportunities by category.
  5. Document Management:
    • Links to attached proposal documents, contracts, or necessary forms within the spreadsheet for easy access.
  6. Assignee and Responsible Team Member:
    • Dedicated columns for assigning specific tasks or opportunities to team members.
    • Contact details of key stakeholders or decision-makers related to each opportunity.
  7. Communication and Feedback:
    • A comments section to capture feedback from meetings, email communication, or updates on the application process.
  8. Project or Program Associated:
    • Identification of the SayPro project or program that the application belongs to, ensuring easy tracking for multiple initiatives.
  9. Quarterly and Monthly Tracking:
    • Separate tabs for monthly and quarterly funding opportunity reporting, aligning with the SayPro Monthly January SCMR-12 report structure.
    • Overview dashboard for tracking total applications, successful outcomes, and funding received over time.
  10. SCMR (SayPro Marketing Royalty) Integration:
    • Integration with the SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR process to reflect marketing and business development contributions.
    • Templates and formulas designed for automatic population into SCMR-12 reporting formats.

Template Structure:

Funding OpportunityOpportunity TypeCategoryStatusAssigned ToDeadlineFunding RequestedFunding AwardedLast UpdatedNotes
Example: XYZ GrantGrantEducationSubmittedJohn Doe2025-03-10$50,000Pending2025-02-15Follow-up pending
ABC TenderTenderHealthcareApprovedJane Smith2025-04-05$100,000$100,0002025-01-20Contract signed
Global InternshipInternshipYouthPendingTeam A2025-02-25$10,000TBD2025-02-10Awaiting decision
National Bursary ProgramBursaryEducationRejectedJohn Doe2025-03-15$30,000$02025-02-01Review rejection reasons
International ScholarshipScholarshipHigher EdSubmittedJane Smith2025-05-01$20,000TBD2025-02-05Waiting for response

Column Descriptions:

  1. Funding Opportunity:
    Description of the funding opportunity, including a reference code or opportunity name.
  2. Opportunity Type:
    Classification of the opportunity (e.g., Grant, Tender, Internship, Scholarship, etc.).
  3. Category:
    The sector or thematic area to which the opportunity belongs (e.g., Education, Youth, Healthcare).
  4. Status:
    The current state of the application (Submitted, Pending, Approved, Rejected).
  5. Assigned To:
    The SayPro team member or external partner responsible for the application or follow-up.
  6. Deadline:
    The final submission deadline for the application, with automated reminders in place.
  7. Funding Requested:
    The total amount of funding or financial support requested from the opportunity.
  8. Funding Awarded:
    The total amount of funding or financial support awarded (if applicable).
  9. Last Updated:
    The most recent date on which the status or details of the opportunity were updated.
  10. Notes:
    Free text field to capture additional comments, follow-up actions, or updates regarding the opportunity.

Usage Guidelines:

  1. Monthly Updates (SCMR-12):
    Each month, the Jobs Office should review and update the spreadsheet as part of the SayPro Monthly January SCMR-12 report. This ensures that all application statuses, deadlines, and funding amounts are up-to-date.
  2. Quarterly Reporting:
    For SayPro Quarterly Funding Opportunities Management, the data from the spreadsheet should be aggregated and analyzed to present a summary of progress, outcomes, and challenges in pursuing funding opportunities.
  3. Collaboration:
    This spreadsheet should be accessible to relevant SayPro staff and team members, ensuring collaboration and transparency in managing multiple opportunities.
  4. Automated Reminders:
    Use the deadline management feature with built-in reminders to ensure that no deadlines are missed. The template automatically highlights critical upcoming deadlines for easier tracking.

By following these guidelines and using the template, SayPro’s Jobs Office will be able to manage their funding opportunities efficiently, report accurately, and maximize their chances of success in securing various types of financial and non-financial support. The template integrates seamlessly with the broader SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR system, providing comprehensive visibility across departments.


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