Tasks Breakdown:
1. Research and Identify Funding Opportunities
- Task: Conduct thorough research on potential funding sources, such as grants, sponsorships, and donor opportunities, aligning with SayPro’s strategic objectives.
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office with support from SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR team.
- Resources: Online funding databases, governmental funding bodies, corporate sponsorship opportunities, and international donors.
- Output: A list of at least 10 potential grant and sponsorship opportunities relevant to SayPro’s work, with deadlines, criteria, and submission processes.
- Deadline: End of Week 1.
2. Proposal Development Framework
- Task: Develop a proposal framework/template that can be customized for different opportunities. This should include sections such as:
- Executive Summary
- Organizational Overview
- Project Description
- Budget and Financial Breakdown
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Sustainability Plan
- Supporting Documents
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office team with input from SayPro Proposal Writing Officer.
- Resources: Previous successful proposals, guidelines from potential funders.
- Output: A ready-to-use proposal template for quick adaptation.
- Deadline: End of Week 2.
3. Drafting of Proposals
- Task: Begin drafting proposals for at least 5 identified funding opportunities. Each proposal must be tailored to the specific criteria and focus areas of the funding body or sponsor.
- Ensure that each proposal highlights SayPro’s mission, impact, and capacity to execute the proposed projects.
- Develop clear project descriptions, budgets, and outcomes.
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office in collaboration with SayPro Proposal Writing Officer and SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR team.
- Output: First draft of five unique proposals.
- Deadline: Proposals 1-3 by the end of Week 3, Proposals 4-5 by the end of Week 4.
4. Internal Review and Feedback
- Task: Conduct internal review sessions for the draft proposals. Feedback should cover:
- Clarity and alignment with the funder’s requirements
- Feasibility of the project plan and budget
- Strength of the impact statement and justification
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office and SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR team, with input from management and other relevant departments.
- Output: Revised and improved proposals ready for submission.
- Deadline: Internal reviews by Week 5.
5. Finalizing and Submission of Proposals
- Task: Finalize the proposals after incorporating feedback. Ensure all required documents and annexures are included (e.g., organizational certificates, financial statements, partner letters).
- Submit the completed proposals to the respective funding bodies within the required deadlines.
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office, SayPro Proposal Writing Officer, with oversight from the SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR.
- Output: Submission of 5 complete proposals.
- Deadline: End of Week 6.
6. Tracking and Monitoring Submissions
- Task: Establish a tracking system to monitor the submission dates, responses, and any required follow-ups for each proposal. Ensure that all proposals are acknowledged by the funders.
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office with administrative support from SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR team.
- Resources: Proposal tracking software or spreadsheet.
- Output: A detailed tracking document for all submitted proposals.
- Deadline: Ongoing, with an update after every submission.
7. Post-Submission Follow-Up
- Task: After submission, follow up with funders to confirm receipt of the proposals and to inquire about any additional information or clarifications they may require.
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office.
- Output: Follow-up emails or calls, logged in the proposal tracking system.
- Deadline: Ongoing, based on submission timelines.
8. Report on Proposal Activity
- Task: Compile a report detailing the proposals submitted, the funders approached, and the status of each submission. This report should include:
- Overview of each proposal
- Status (submitted, pending, etc.)
- Next steps and follow-ups
- Challenges and recommendations for future submissions
- Responsibility: SayPro Jobs Office with input from SayPro Marketing Royalty SCMR team.
- Output: A comprehensive report to be shared with SayPro management.
- Deadline: End of Month.
Key Milestones and Deadlines:
- Week 1: Identify funding opportunities.
- Week 2: Develop proposal templates.
- Week 3-4: Draft 5 proposals.
- Week 5: Internal review.
- Week 6: Finalize and submit proposals.
- Ongoing: Track submissions and follow up.
- End of Month: Submission of report.
Outcome Expected:
By the end of the period, SayPro will have submitted at least five high-quality proposals for grants or sponsorships, which will potentially secure funding for key SayPro initiatives, thus contributing to the organization’s growth and impact.
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